Beatty the Christmas Betta Fish

 It looks like he’ll be hanging around awhile, so I figured that Beatty needed a more proper introduction.

The first thing on Dot's Wish List from Santa was a 'Pink Goldfish'. I was a little hesitant to fulfill this wish for her, as I had accidentally killed about 7 of my own personal goldfish a couple of years ago - and thus gave up trying to keep fish for a while. 

Then came along this request. 

I was worried about a live animal coming from Santa - what entails getting a fish from a magical being? Would Dot assume that the fish couldn't die because of WHOM it came from? These were mainly my own fears and probably something that would have never even occurred to her - but still. What if something happened to the main thing she wanted and got from Santa? 

I talked to my co-parent about my concerns, and we settled on getting her the tank and supplies from us, but letting Dot pick out her own fish at the store. This way should our fish friend not last a super long time, I hoped that Dot would understand that we will be sad, and we could never replace Beatty, but we could go to the store and get a new fish - if that's what she wanted should anything happen. 

He’s a White Opal Betta that Dot picked out as a big Christmas gift from her Dad & I.

Dot named him Beatty & picked out this adorable Elsa statue for his tank. He’s currently living in a 3.1-gallon tank, but I could see us upgrading him to a nice roomy 5-gallon tank eventually.

Welcome to the family, Beatty! 

Now please live a long & happy fishy life! ❤️🐠


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