The Virtual School Blues
Virtual school has been a definitely challenge this year. Of course no one was expecting life to look as it does at this point in the pandemic.
No one even saw it coming, so we're all coping the best we can.
In the mean time, the kids weren't really into virtual learning from the start. We made a big deal about getting them their own desks and chairs and setting up them a school room.
I wanted to build excitement and give them some resemblance of what we typically consider our "normal" school year. The best we could do at home on pretty short notice, with half the country buying up kids desks and chairs with the same thoughts of homeschooling or distance learning as we did.
At this point in school, we are pretty much doing classes anywhere around the house that the kids feel like it. I'm not a big fan on forcing them into sitting at their desk when they just don't feel like it, and it's going cause a lot of drama. I'm very of the attitude of let's focus on getting through the next 4 weeks with the best attitudes that we can.
I figure, we made it this far and it'd be silly to lose our collective minds so close to the proverbial finish line.
What are your thoughts on an organized and dedicated virtual school spot?