Making Moves In 2021


So here I am. 37 and seriously thinking about going back to school. For what? Would be the next obvious question here, and I cringe when I say this Dear Reader (catch that Bridgerton reference) - Business. 

WTF do I know about business? Really? Have we met? Like, have you read anything I've written here on this small little baby blog of mine? You know me. I think you do, anyway. The concept of me going to school, which probably means going into debt - to go back to school - scares the shit out of me. And what? For Business? I'm always going to say that shit with a capitol 'B', because - you know. Business. 

What I've realized, is that I'm good at it. I've always had little side hustles. Buying and selling vintage, tie dye. I've had a couple of pretty successful Etsy businesses. One where I made and sold Duct Tape wallets with cool vintage pop culture and especially creepy horror magazines pics on them. Think vintage Star Wars, Dr. Who, etc. 

There's always been a nice little thing on the side to make a couple of extra bucks to spend on whatever I wanted. Food, tattoos, clothes, take the kids out for something fun. I never really looked at these things as something I looked at as something I could potentially grow beyond what small level I was doing it at. 

I think that was a mistake on my part, honestly. I ended up giving up because other things were happening in my life. I no longer felt that I had the interest or time or energy to keep these little businesses open and thriving as they were doing. My friends and family have always been super supportive or any venture I've dreamed up, and always willing and enjoyed participating in said activities. 

Can you imagine what I could make happen, if I actually had an education on the type of things I want to work on? Now the trick will be for me to not let myself feel overwhelmed by the amount of work yet to do.

I contacted a recruiter for the local community college, and am setting up a time to speak with them regarding what the best course of action would be for me. I'm not sure that I need a degree in Business. Maybe I just need some basic courses. Maybe I need a full on degree, that way even if I don't end up working for myself, hopefully I'll have some useful education for a future career of some type. 

Hopefully 2021 will continue to be full of personal growth, which will include going back to school in some capacity to better prepare for my future. 💻


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