Selling My Youth - PT 1

 Does anyone else find it 100% unacceptable, that the things from our youth are now what's considered vintage? AKA I'm feeling old, y'all. 

I'm only 37.  I'm almost a fully developed adult, who still has a long fucking way to go. But the fact that these things that I loved as a child, are now considered vintage and retro and dare I even It freaks me out a little, I really have to admit.

It's not that my childhood was so particularly amazing, nor does it feel like just yesterday - by any stretch of the imagination. But somehow, somewhere, in my tiny little brain, it really does fuck me up in a 2% way. Father Time got me sprung, yo! And not in a good way. 

I recently thought of my childhood keychain collection because I saw a cool vending machine concept that sells local art but also small vintage goodies. Could you think of a better combination? Didn't think so! 

My childhood keychain collection has been in some type of storage, in this case the garage, for about 21 years.  Before that, it was hanging proudly in my 2 different childhood bedrooms. I started this collection when we lived in Hewitt, Texas around 1990ish, as best as I can recollect. 

 I've always loved collecting little things here and there, and somehow one day I randomly landed on keychains. I'm still not sure how that happened. As I pulled these out of my oh-so cluttered adult garage to bring them inside, I certainly wasn't prepared for the memories I would find attached to these small, plastic and metal keepsakes. 

Without saying, there's a ton more to say on this topic. My generation is getting older. Lots of us have kids and parents that we're now all caring for - or in the process of figuring out what that even looks like for us and our lives. Can you tell that I think a lot about this shit as a mom, wife and daughter? 

Life seems so short, and then BAM! You're 37 with a keychain collection consisting of 137 pieces - and you think to yourself - where has the time even gone??! But also, what the Hell do I do with these? 

I think I figured out at least part of the answer, so that's coming soon. I definitely figured out what do with some of the keychains, and the existential crises - well that's what blogging is for!  

Updates coming soon - I'm sure you're all so thrilled. 😅


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