Spring Pictures and Hospitals
So on Sunday, Dottie came down with a stomach bug. I took her to her pedi and followed all directions, but over the next few days she just got worse. So yesterday (Wednesday) I brought her into the Dell Children's ER, and she was admitted.
Of course it's not fun spending any time in the hospital. But honestly, due to her panhypopit, this is the best place for her when she gets this sick. On the plus side, she only spent one night, and with lots of IV fluids, is being discharged today. Score!
I was pretty bummed at the timing, I have to admit. My mom is currently in the hospital with pneumonia, and a very probable as of now undiagnosed second lung issue. And today was Johnny's spring pictures at school.
It probably sounds silly to most, but neither of my babies have had professional pictures done, and I really loved having his fall pictures done at school last year.
Unfortunately, preschool doesn't do make-up picture day, so we were just going to have to miss this round.
And then this morning, I woke up to these in my text messages.
And my personal favorite of them all.
It means so much to me that hubs thought to do this for me. I can't wait to print these up and hang them proudly next to his fall school picture. Sometimes my husband surprises me in the best way possible.