Photo Phun (get it?)

Since there's so much going on, and Mama needs a break from explaining everything going on, I thought today's post would mostly include pictures. 


So this happened this morning. It feels like forever since I had a good old fashioned Johnny cuddles. 

With Halloween decorations strewn about the house, of course JB has gotten in on the action. We feel the same about spiders, clearly. 

Dottie prefers to sleep on her tummy, just like Mama. How could I resist a picture of those cute and sassy baby feet? 

It's not a photo update without an artsy silhouette! These dudes weren't feeling so hot over the weekend (well, none of us were). No way in hell I was going to allow pictures of my sickness to be taken. But these guys are so cute even when sick! 

On Friday I met up with Penni and spent a couple of hours eating massive amounts of Home Slice pizza, drinking red wine and talking about fun stuff. It was a nice birthday break from all that's going on. 

I've managed to get in some solid Dottie cuddling time in lately. It makes me so happy to finally be able to hold her for an hour here and there. The last two weekends we had sickies in the house, including myself, so it greatly cut into my baby girl cuddle time and made me so sad that I couldn't be with her on my birthday. Everyone is well again so I'm taking full advantage of mommy daughter cuddle time! 

What have your last couple of weeks looked like? 



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