Building an Emergency Kit for Kids with Adrenal Insufficiency

Dot enjoying some lunch while her dad shows off her emergency kit. In a recent Adrenal Insufficiency support group discussion, someone asked how we manage emergency kits for our kids. For us, preparedness is key, and a well-organized kit gives us peace of mind wherever we go with our daughter, Dorothy. Here’s how we’ve set ours up: We use a couple of inexpensive but effective bags for her kits. The first is a compact hanging toiletry bag that fits neatly in my backpack, making it easy to bring along on outings. The second is a hot pink pencil bag with a clear window on one side, kept in a central spot at home—our kitchen. This way, whether we’re out or at home, we have quick access in an emergency. Any adult heading out with Dorothy always carries her pink emergency kit, while the one in the kitchen stays ready for when she's at home. Each kit includes syringes, a vial of emergency Solu-Cortef, alcohol wipes, and a bottle of hydrocortisone. The bright pink bag serves as a lifesaver...