
Showing posts from September, 2022

7 Year CVR Anniversary

  7 years ago last month, Dot had Cranio Vault Reconstruction surgery and gained this awesome zig zag scar, along with regular MRIs and a yearly visits to Dr. Kelley, her Cranio facial surgeon.  We went earlier this week for her quick scan MRI for her appointment & results in late October.  This was her first MRI which we didn’t have to use sedation for - GO DOT!! 🥳👏🏻 She also has an anomaly in her brain, but it’s been stable enough the past few years that we were able to move to biannual MRIs, thankfully.  Dot’s first few years were pretty rough on us all, but I’m so thankful to  have such a strong, brave & healthy little girl who kicks ass and lives her fullest life every single day! 💞

A Major Milestone!

I’m so incredibly proud of the littlest Bogus. She’s been giving herself her 6 day a week nightly Growth Hormone shots all by herself for a couple of weeks now.  💉She knows how to prep her skin.  💉 She knows how to prep her shot, cleaning it & adding the needle.  💉 She knows her dosage of 0.4mg & how to dial it up.  She does the shot all by herself.  Sometimes I’ll be busy cooking dinner or doing something else and she’ll just say “It’s okay if you’re busy, I’m going to go do my shot!” and she does.  All by herself. It’s amazing to see how proud she is about taking agency over every aspect of her health that she can.  It really brings tears to my Momma eyes knowing how important these medications are to her health, and seeing her wanting to take control of as much of it as she can.  I couldn’t be more proud as a parent knowing that she’s so independent and understanding what’s important for her health and well being. 🥹