Velvet Clowning Around

 I had this vintage velvet clown painting posted on the Facebook marketplace for a while and received a message from a someone asking about buying it recently.

I picked up on the cheap at a local Goodwill several years ago and probably paid $5 for it, so not much. I had it up in our bathroom for a long time. I moved it to store in my closet, then I tried to put it up in our “school” room gallery, but Dot was decidedly against it. She really didn’t dig this 🤡, so I decided to take it down and list it on the marketplace.

The woman who messaged me about it, mentioned to me that she was so excited to see this pop up on her screen. Apparently, her dad collected clowns and he passed away in 2011.

I told her to come get the painting, there’s no need to pay me for it.

Giving her a smile and making her day a little brighter is payment enough for me. (I was taught by my Pawpaw and my mom to always pay it forward when I can in life.) It just feels good to do the right thing, and the $10 I was selling it for wasn’t going to make or break me - we don’t need the extra money.

For me, giving this guy a new home where he’s loved and appreciated, that was definitely the right thing and I hope it’s a lovely reminder of the relationship that woman had and continues to have with her dad, even though he’s gone. ❤️


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