Dot and Dr. Rainey

 Dot has been seeing an ophthalmologist for most of her life, named Dr. Rainey. 

Due to Dot having Panhypopit, her optic nerves could have been affected due to her condition - so we started seeing Dr. Rainey when Dot was about 1. Luckily, any of the eye issues that Dot might currently have, have nothing to do with her medical condition. 

We were supposed to be patching her left eye for 2 hours/day to help strengthen her right eye which is lazy or has amblyopia. Lazy Eye runs in my mom’s side of the family and is certainly genetic for my Granny, mom, myself and Dot. We all have it!

We haven’t been patching at all these last six months. I have some excuses as to why not, but honestly there’s no great reason. Dot doesn’t like it. I don’t like forcing her. She doesn’t want to wear it during school hours and to school meetings and she has speech 4 days a week and doesn’t want to wear it during that either.

It’s just been a mess trying to get us to patch, honestly. 🤷🏻‍♀️ She’s been great about wearing her glasses, which are also formulated to help with her amblyopia.

We saw the doctor, and Dot's eyes haven't gotten worse, thankfully. Her glasses prescription has slightly changed, but the doctor didn't gripe at me too much for not patching Dot. She did suggest that we change the glasses and "get some patching in", so that'll be our goal for this summer. 

We'll go Monday to look at new glasses and get back on patching as soon as summer hits for the kids. That way she won't have to wear the patch during school hours, because there will be no school. We simply have to make sure it's part of our schedule and gets done. 

We can do this! Wish us luck, at least? 


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