My Top 5 Fav Thrifty Finds

 It's no secret that I love a good thrift store. After a lifetime of thrift love (and let's be honest, sometimes hate), it's hard to pick only a Top 5. It may as well be a Top 100, and that still wouldn't do. But alas, here we are! 

I thought it'd be fun to post my top 5 thrifty finds here for y'all! These all include little things that I keep around the house. Some are vintage and some are just super cool pieces that I've picked up along the way. There are no rules when it comes to my decorating, but I would probably call it closest to flea market fabulous meets utilitarian minimalist. 

Now, for my top 5 favorite thrifty finds: 

1. This amazing handmade wood jewelry box. It sits atop our bedroom dresser and holds all of my most prized jewelry possessions and pictures of loved ones who've passed. I also like to keep cash money in the bottom drawer of my jewelry box, you know, for Tooth Fairy emergencies. 

2. Constantine - This piece I actually bid on at a Goodwill Auction. I didn't know at the time, but Connie was made by a famous English designer and worth about $75 on eBay when I won the $20 auction. 

3. This cute kitty planter. I also purchased this at a Goodwill for $3. It also happens to be vintage, but I purchased because it's cute and serves a purpose - which is to hold my beautiful plant! 

4. This piece I've had since before I was married. 😱 I got this 1950's bathroom medicine cabinet when I was19 years old at a flea market outside of Austin. I paid $5 for it and remember being so thrilled with my luck that day. We use it daily, and it really is one of my prized possessions. 

5. My Dachshund planter. This one was on my thrifting wish list for a long time before I actually found one in my budget. These little weenie dog holders are so cute and although it's definitely vintage, I couldn't bring myself to pay antique mall prices for one which was generally somewhere between $18-$25. Right now it lives in my bathroom window and holds a Blue Agave plant, but in the future it would also make a great work desk organizer. 

These are just a few of my favorite thrifty finds, there's a ton more around my home. The fun thing about thrifting for décor is that it's like a treasure hunt. You're never guaranteed to find the perfect thing, so when you do, it's an even sweeter reward! 


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