Cha Cha Changes!
We're gearing up for Bubba to start school again mid September. And sister turns 2 later that week.
Still working on potty training bubs.
Seriously it's my fault. I need to get us on a more strict schedule for that and I think he'll have it down in no time.
Sister is a whole other story. She's basically potty training herself. What a relief that's been. Mainly because she's our head strong kiddo and I assumed it would be a hard and drawn out process with her.
Once again, never assume with her. I should know that bit by now!
Dot has her next appointment this week with her Cranio Facial specialist. I assume there will be more pictures taken and hopefully we won't need to see him again until she's 4.
We have another G.I. appointment in December. Assuming all is good, since she no longer has a g-tube, we will be discharged from G.I. as well. Score!
Knocking this stuff out one at a time. That's all we can do, right? Baby steps!
What have you been up to this summer?