Texas Museum of Science and Technology - Body Worlds Exhibit
Yesterday we had the pleasure or visiting the Texas Museum of Science and Texhnology, or TXMOST.
The current exhibit is that of Body Worlds & The Cycle Of Life.
There are more than 100 specimens in this exhibit, ranging from healthy to diseased body parts as well as full plasticized human bodies showing muscular, skeletal, and vascular systems.
There are full-body Plastinates posed in various action poses such as hockey players, flamingo dancers, a singer and more.
At the beginning of the exihibit there is a 7 minute long video that plays on a loop, showing and explaining the Plastination process invented by Dr. Gunther Von Hagens in 1977.
This was truly a once in a lifetime experience, and I'm so happy we were able to see this exhibit before it's gone after September 20th 2015.
I would highly recommend seeing this exhibit before it's gone, as it truly is remarkable to behold. Children under 6 get in free, and you can purchase tickets here.
**Unfortunately, photography is not allowed inside the actual exhibit. To get full awesomeness of the experience, I highly suggest you have a look at this exhibit before it moves this fall.**