Happy Halloween !

This Halloween was probably the best I've had in YEARS.

The Bogus Family - Halloween 2015

All of our costumes were homemade. Except for Johnny, who wouldn't wear the costume he wore for his preschool Halloween party. He wore his replacement costume (his dinosaur raincoat) approximately twice the whole night. 

Dino Johnny

What can I say, toddlers. At least he was in a great mood all night, despite having only one 20 minute nap in the car during us running errands earlier. 

Perfect In Every Way - Miss Dottie Mae - Ballerina

Thankfully, Nana was able to accompany us to dinner and even hit up a few houses with us on the way home. These are the things I'll remember when my babies are grown and no longer interested in trick-or-treating and embarrassed by their mom dressing up as a giant black cat. 

Can't Scare Nana 

Mama Cat
Hogwarts Student - House Ravenclaw 

I think it's too late for Johnny and he may already be embarrassed by me, because when I showed up at his preschool Halloween party dressed as a cat, he saw me and put his hand up saying "Stop!" 

Obviously Psyched 

This is where I tell you that I was the only mommy dressed up.

Here's hoping your family had a safe and fun Halloween this year, and that your kids weren't too awfully embarrassed by you.

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