Non Candy Easter Basket Ideas for Toddlers

Our oldest will be 2 by the time Easter comes around, and definitely enjoys the occasional piece of candy.

 That being said, I didn't want to focus on candy being the main thing in his Easter basket this year. 

Here's my top 4 ideas for non food/candy related Easter Basket ideas for toddlers. 

1. I picked John up some cute Motocross jammies for his basket, but found these totally awesome Ninja Turtle ones for about $7 at

2. Cars, cars & more cars! Bubba can't get enough of his cars (and even has a cute carrying case for them he got for Christmas), so I picked up a 3 pack and larger Easter eggs and they fit perfectly! Walmart offers a pretty sweet 9 pack for about $8. 

3. Books galore! Our son LOVES to read, so I've picked him up about 5 books for his basket. We will read them a thousand times over, and put them back for also reading to Dottie. Target has some of the cutest Easter books I've seen. 

4. And last but not least, a fun toy camera. Because, hello! I want Johnny to enjoy taking pictures as much as mommy does! This one is about $18 at 

What are some of your favorite non edible Easter basket fillers? 


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